We were packed and in the lobby at 5:00 a.m. The team mobilized and assembled early Sunday morning leaving with the barrels in tow, two cars filled with people off for a 5 hour drive. We stopped for food and gas and finally reached au Cayes at about 11. We set up and got ready to distribute the donations in a school adjacent to the church. The Church was made known to SWM by Pasteur Reynold St. Cine. It took us 2 hours to set up the clinic area and pharmacy; the men and children’s area; and the women’s, food, and household items area. Everything that was donated was distributed! The clinic estimated seeing over 250 patients. The need was great but thanks to you, we were able to extend love, compassion, and caring to those who were in need. 3000 lbs of goods in the barrels were shipped and distributed!!! Thank YOU!!