Three members of the SWM Team, Dr. Helen Newton, Pastor Jessie White, and Mrs. Jacquie Kowalsky, were on the 6:00 a.m. flight out of Fort Lauderdale to Haiti. Excited and full of anticipation they arrived safely and used the first day to rest, and plan for their visit.
Friday, Nov. 11 the team along with Pasteur Reynold St. Cine met with Mayor Dominic St. Roc at the Town Hall in Petion-ville, Haiti. Mr. Rony Lacossade of the Mayor’s office was asked to interpret from Haitian Creole to English for the meeting. It was a pleasure to be able to address the Mayor and discuss the use of the Plaza St. Pierre which is situated in the middle of Petion-ville for the Gospel Crusade scheduled for second quarter in 2017.
Friday evening the SWM Team hosted a meeting to kick off the Intercessory Prayer Ministry in Haiti. Attending were Pasteurs: Jeanty Fan Fan, Fraude St. Julien, Regice Aubert, Morbrun Cherilus, Reynold St. Cine, and Justin Louissaint. During the meeting the importance of intercessory prayer was discussed, and Pasteur Justin Louissaint was elected leader of the ministry.