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06/21/2018 Christian Women’s Business Conference Good Samaritan Day 2

The second day of the conference was another interesting day!  Dr. Evangelist Helen reviewed the understanding from the previous day: most of the 90% of the women present were married, and 3/4 have children. 10% were single.  22 had their own business selling: underwear, cookies, dresses, charcoal, t-shirts, uncooked food, cooked food, bags, and one sister makes peanut butter and sells it.  They were given homework assignments to first pray and think about how to bring their businesses to the next level?  They should pray about and think about a profession that perhaps they are not doing now.  Were there any women who were thinking about learning how to sew?  Dr. Evangelist Helen discussed the possibility of scholarships being awarded to help affect change and the ability to help their families. 

Great session with a lot of participant participation.  

The following picture gallery will show, Dr. Evangelist Helen, Sister Rachel,  Pastor Vincent, and the Participants. 

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